Centrifugal Separations in Biotechnology, 1st Edition
Author: Wallace Woon-Fong Leung
Publisher: Elsevier
Publication year: 2007
Extent: Hardback, VST and PDF, 312 pages
This book is the first devoted to centrifugal separation in biotechnology. It is of value to professionals in the chemical, bioprocess, and biotech sectors, and all those concerned with bioseparation, bioprocessing, unit-operations and process engineering.
Key topics covered include a full introduction to centrifugation, sedimentation and separation; detailed coverage of centrifuge types, including batch and semi-batch centrifuges, disk-stack and tubular decanter centrifuges; methods for increasing solids concentration; laboratory and pilot testing of centrifuges; selection and sizing centrifuges; scale-up of equipment, performance prediction and analysis of test results using numerical simulation.
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