Crystallisation, Particle and Minerals Processing
26 Combining batch and flow for pharmaceutical manufacture: a heat and mass transfer study
Cherkasov, Nikolay Stoli Catalysts Ltd
24 A New Method to Quantitatively Identify and Predict KHI Efficacy in Flowlines
Barwood, Mr Mark The University of Western Australia
48 Acoustic sensing of different ore hardness and breakage characteristics in SAG mill
Owusu, Mr. Kwaku University Of South Australia
17 Prediction of the osmotic/activity coefficients of alkali hydroxide electrolytes
Duignan, Dr Timothy University Of Queensland
35 Industrial Challenges to Battery Grade Crystallisation of Nickel Sulphate
Lawrence Vijayakumar, Octovian Cletus Jordproxa
19 Hydrate Formation Probability in Thermodynamically- and Kinetically Inhibited Systems
Lim, Dr. Vincent The University of Western Australia
Cherkasov, Nikolay Stoli Catalysts Ltd
24 A New Method to Quantitatively Identify and Predict KHI Efficacy in Flowlines
Barwood, Mr Mark The University of Western Australia
48 Acoustic sensing of different ore hardness and breakage characteristics in SAG mill
Owusu, Mr. Kwaku University Of South Australia
17 Prediction of the osmotic/activity coefficients of alkali hydroxide electrolytes
Duignan, Dr Timothy University Of Queensland
35 Industrial Challenges to Battery Grade Crystallisation of Nickel Sulphate
Lawrence Vijayakumar, Octovian Cletus Jordproxa
19 Hydrate Formation Probability in Thermodynamically- and Kinetically Inhibited Systems
Lim, Dr. Vincent The University of Western Australia