Desulphurisation 4 Symposium Series 138
ISBN: 9780852953648
Publisher: IChemE
Publication year: 1995
Extent: Hardback, 309 pages
This book reflects growing concern about the impact of sulphur dioxide on the environment, and international action has been taken to limit emissions. The number of countries imposing specific limits on emission from existing and new plant is increasing; the European Union has a Large Combustion Plants Directive, the United Nations a sulphur protocol, the USA its Clean Air Act and the UK the Environmental Protection Act. As a result, there is intense interest in desulphurisation technology.
Contents include: reduction of sulphur emissions - political, economic and regulatory aspects; overseas perspectives on desulphurisation from the Netherlands, the USA and Poland; the UK position - historical and future perspectives; experience in the UK at Drax and Ratcliffe.