A - Z of Filtration and Related Separations, 1st Edition
Author: Kenneth Sutherland
Publisher: Elsevier
Publication year: 2006
Extent: Hardback, 278 pages
This book is a concise encyclopaedia-type publication which covers all aspects of filtration and separation in alphabetical form including: all filtration media; all types of filtration and related equipment; all relevant processes; all applications within which terminology is used which is particular to filtration.
It covers solid/liquid separations, solid/gas separations, solid/solid separations, liquid/liquid separations, liquid/gas separations and three phase separations. It includes membrane technology as well as fringe technologies such as ion exchange, electrostatic precipitation and dialysis.
It is a ready reference source for all and any aspect of the subject, and will be of great value to the filtration specialist as well as process engineers whose job encompasses filtration.
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