Atomic Force Microscopy in Process Engineering, 1st Edition
Authors: W. Richard Bowen and Nidal Hilal
Publisher: Elsevier
Publication year: 2009
Extent: Hardback, ePUB, Mobi, PDF and VST, 304 pages
This is the first book to bring together both the basic theory and proven process engineering practice of AFM. It is presented in a way that is accessible and valuable to practising engineers as well as to those who are improving their AFM skills and knowledge, and to researchers who are developing new products and solutions using AFM.
The book takes a rigorous and practical approach that ensures it is directly applicable to process engineering problems. Fundamentals and techniques are concisely described, while specific benefits for process engineering are clearly defined and illustrated. Key content includes: particle-particle, and particle-bubble interactions; characterization of membrane surfaces; the development of fouling resistant membranes; nanoscale pharmaceutical analysis; nanoengineering for cellular sensing; polymers on surfaces; micro and nanoscale rheometry.
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