Bretherick's Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards, 7th Edition, 2-Volume Set
Author: Peter Urben
Publisher: Elsevier
Publication year: 2006
Extent: Hardback, ePUB, Mobi, PDF and VST, 2680 pages
Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards is an assembly of all reported risks such as explosion, fire, toxic or high-energy events that result from chemical reactions gone astray, with extensive referencing to the primary literature.
It is designed to improve safety in laboratories that perform chemical synthesis and general research, as well as chemical manufacturing plants. Entries are ordered by empirical formula and indexed under both name(s) and Chemical Abstracts Registry Numbers.
This two-volume compendium focuses on reactivity risks of chemicals, alone and in combination; toxicity hazards are only included for unexpected reactions giving volatile poisons
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