Crystallisation, Particle and Minerals Processing
56 Coarse Particle Flotation Performance in Heavy Media Suspension
Dankwah, Mr James University of South Australia
16 Effect of Nanobubbles on Xanthate Degradation by Hydrogen Peroxide
Peng, Dr Hong The University of Queensland
47 Acoustic Sensor Frequencies and Mill Feed Properties - A Brief Review
Owusu, Mr. Kwaku University of South Australia
76 Experimental Study of Bubble Dynamics in a Droplet Driven by an Ultrasound Standing Wave
Gai, Dr Shaolei The University of Newcastle
Dankwah, Mr James University of South Australia
16 Effect of Nanobubbles on Xanthate Degradation by Hydrogen Peroxide
Peng, Dr Hong The University of Queensland
47 Acoustic Sensor Frequencies and Mill Feed Properties - A Brief Review
Owusu, Mr. Kwaku University of South Australia
76 Experimental Study of Bubble Dynamics in a Droplet Driven by an Ultrasound Standing Wave
Gai, Dr Shaolei The University of Newcastle