EPIC 2011 - The Third European Process Intensification Conference
ISBN: 9780852955550
Publisher: IChemE
Publication year: 2011
Extent: CD
EPIC 2011 was the third meeting in the biannual conference series initiated by the European Federation of Chemical Engineering Working Party on Process Intensification and presented an excellent opportunity for participants to discuss and share experiences on the current status of the field, the latest developments, and future expectations as well as assessing opportunities for implementation that will deliver early gains for process operators.
Five main themes:
- active enhancement: This theme focuses on both passive and active enhancement techniques for heat and/or mass transfer.
- hybrid technologies: This theme features technologies that reduce the total number of process steps by combining functions, thereby reducing costs and increasing process efficiency.
- breaking barriers: This theme tackles cross-disciplinary challenges as well as considering the take up of PI by industry.
- structured technologies: This theme focuses on technologies that intensify processes by reducing the scale of the structure of the equipment involved.
- batch to continuous: This theme examines the outcomes of using continuous process technologies with reduced scale, greater control and uniformity of mixing.