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IChemE Safety Centre Case Studies - Lift Off - Exploring decision making

IChemE Safety Centre Case Studies - Lift Off - Exploring decision making


£250.00 price excludes VAT

Publisher: IChemE 

Publication year: 2016
Extent: Digital Download

The IChemE Safety Centre (ISC) Case Studies are the latest addition to our range of safety training resources. They provide a rare opportunity to experience a series of process safety incidents as they unfold, in a real-time setting, without any prior knowledge of the outcome. Throughout the training session users will make crucial safety decisions, and discover how each of their decisions influences the incident.

This case study takes you through the process of making critical decisions within a complex organisation as you work to manage a busy launch schedule.  It highlights the ethical pressures of working within existing processes to solve problems.

Features and Formats

The Case Studies are supplied through a shared link to a folder containing as MP4 Video files, launched from a PowerPoint presentation, with PDF facilitation notes to underpin decision making discussions. Key features include:

  • 35-40 minutes of animated video footage to supplement a 90-120 minute training session 
  • two versions of video footage on each USB, one with group exercises and decision making points, the second with decision making points only 
  • all video footage will be launched from a PowerPoint presentation for easy access 
  • detailed suite of handouts for group exercises and decision points 
  • comprehensive facilitator notes, to explain the exercises

Please allow IChemE three working days to send you the shared link to the material. The link will remain active for 30 days allowing you time to save the material to your preferred device or USB stick.

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