BP - Liquid Hydrocarbon Tank Fires, 4th Edition, 2008, printable PDF format
ISBN: 9780852955796
Authors: BP and IChemE
Publisher: IChemE
Publication year: 2008
Extent: Printable PDF, 113 pages
Part of the BP Process Safety Series, winner of the 2004 Frank Lees medal for the most meritorious publication on the topic of safety and loss prevention in an IChemE publication.
An essential reference tool for operators and fire fighting teams working on or near to tank farms, and public fire brigades. This publication identifies the potential emergencies that may occur and the correct response to resolve them.
Using examples of real-life accidents, this book enables readers to spot and rectify hazards before accidents occur, and understand how to respond to pressing situations. This is the latest edition, featuring three new case studies.