Non-Newtonian Flow and Applied Rheology, 2nd Edition
Authors: R. P. Chhabra and J.F. Richardson
Publisher: Elsevier
Publication year: 2008
Extent: Hardback, ePUB, Mobi, PDF and VST, 536 pages
This book bridges the gap between the theoretical work of the rheologist, and the practical needs of those who have to design and operate the systems in which these materials are handled or processed. It is an established and important reference for senior level mechanical engineers, chemical and process engineers, as well as any engineer or scientist who needs to study or work with these fluids, including pharmaceutical engineers, mineral processing engineers, medical researchers, water and civil engineers.
This new edition covers a considerably broader range of topics than its predecessor, including computational fluid dynamics modelling techniques, liquid/solid flows and applications to areas such as food processing, among others.
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