The Orange Book, Minor Works, 3rd Edition, 2018, Printable PDF
ISBN: 9781911446606
Publisher: IChemE
Publication year: 2018
Extent: View-only PDF, 41 pages
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For over 45 years IChemE have partnered with highly experienced legal and industry professionals to publish their acclaimed Forms of Contract. This new edition has been revised to reflect best practice and to bring it in line with the other contracts within the IChemE suite.
The contract is now suitable for use both within the UK and internationally.
The Orange Book is invaluable for use with minor packages of work involving an existing process plant. It is applicable where the far more comprehensive forms for lump-sum and reimbursable contracts would be inappropriate and too complex. It has also now been recognised as a contract suitable for design and construction.
This Form of Contract contains a model form of agreement and general conditions, supplemented with detailed guide notes to assist the user in preparing a contract.